About HuskerOil.com

In order to import data into your account on HuskerOil.com,
your comma separated file (.csv) must contain these items (Columns A through T minimum)
Arrange your spreadsheet in the following format. Do not include column headers (descriptions) in your file.
Transporter and Inventory manifests will be assigned to the current report type (Dealer/Transporter/Terminal_Operator), so be sure to set the report type before importing.
ACarrier name (ex. Buckeye Trucking)
BCarrier number (9 digits, ex. 123456789)
CMode of transportation (1 letter, ex. J (truck), R (railroad))
DOrigin city (ex. Cleveland)
EOrigin state (2 letters, ex. OH)
FOrigin Terminal# (9 characters, ex. T31OH3111). This is always YOUR terminal# for 15A/15B/15C
GDestination city (ex. Akron)
HDestination state (2 letters, ex. OH)
IDestination Terminal# (9 characters, ex. T31OH3111)
JBuyer name (ex. Ohio Oil Inc.)
KBuyer number (9 digits, ex. 123456789)
LSeller name (ex. Ohio Oil Inc.)
MSeller number (9 digits, ex. 123456789)
NDate (format M/D/YYYY, ex. 8/31/2013)
ODocument/Manifest number (up to 10 characters)
PProduct code (include leading 0's, ex. 065)
QNet gallons (numeric, ex. 1500)
RGross gallons (numeric, ex. 1500)
SBilled gallons (numeric, ex. 1500)
TSchedule code (up to 3 characters, ex. 7A)
UConsignor/Position Holder name (ex. Erie Oil Inc.)
VConsignor/Position Holder number (9 digits, ex. 123456789)
WDeliveredTo/Exchange Position Holder name (ex. Firestone)
XDeliveredTo/Exchange Position Holder number (9 digits, ex. 123456789)
YBeginning Inventory for product (numeric, ex. 150000, 15C only)
ZEnding Inventory for product (numeric, ex. 150000, 15C only)
AARetailer ODT Account number(up to 20 characters, 5AD only)
ABOrigin Country (optional; US, CA, or MX - defaults to US)
ACDestination Country (optional; US, CA, or MX - defaults to US)
ADDestination County (schedule 10B only; zipcode, county name, or 2-digit county code; ex. '23')
Example Dealer/Exporter manifest entry (Non 5AD, only need columns A-T):
Buckeye Trucking,111111111,J,Youngstown,OH,,,,T31OH3111,Columbus Buyers,222222222,Ohio Oil Inc.,987654321,09/24/2017,C22X410,065,1480,1500,1500,3
Example Dealer/Exporter manifest entry (foreign destination):
Buckeye Trucking,111111111,J,Youngstown,OH,,Monterrey,NL,,Monterrey Buyers,656565656,Ohio Oil Inc.,987654321,09/24/2017,MON1200,065,440,500,500,7,,,,,,,,,MX
Example 5AD Dealer manifest entry:
Buckeye Trucking,111111111,J,Youngstown,OH,,,,T31OH3111,Columbus Buyers,222222222,Ohio Oil Inc.,987654321,09/24/2017,C22X410,065,1480,1500,1500,5AD,,,,,,,85932-1
Example Dealer manifest entry for schedule 10B (destination county code at end):
Buckeye Trucking,111111111,J,Youngstown,OH,,Warren,OH,,Airport Fuel Inc,333333333,Ohio Oil Inc.,987654321,09/25/2017,C22X410,125,1000,1000,1000,10B,,,,,,,,,,78
Example Transporter manifest entry (only need columns A-X):
,,J,Cincinnati,OH,,,,T31OH3111,,,Ohio Oil Inc.,987654321,09/25/2017,C22X411,161,985,1000,1000,14C,Ohio Consignors,333333333,Columbus Oil,444444444
Example Terminal Operator inventory manifest entry (schedule 15C):
,,,,,,,,,,,,,09/30/2017,inv001,065,,,,15C,Cantonians Inc,555555555,Daytonians,888888888,15000,12350