About HuskerOil.com

New Hampshire

In order to import data into your account on HuskerOil.com, your comma separated file (.csv) must contain these 18 items.
Arrange your spreadsheet in the following format. Do not include column headers (descriptions) in your file:
ACarrier (or Consignor) Name (no commas, ex. ELVIS TRUCKING)
BCarrier (or Consignor) FEIN (9 digits, ex. 123456789)
CMode (J for Truck, R for Rail, etc)
DOrigin City ST (ex. NASHUA NH)
EDestination City ST (ex. PORTLAND ME)
FTerminal Location (ex. PORTSMOUTH, if no terminal, leave blank)
GTerminal Number (9 characters, ex. T02NH1050 or blank)
HSeller Name (no commas, ex. SLICK OIL INC.)
ISeller FEIN (9 digits, ex. 112233445)
JBuyer Name (no commas, ex. NH OIL INC.)
KBuyer FEIN (9 digits, ex. 987654321)
LDate (format M/D/YYYY, ex. 3/20/2011)
MManifest Number (up to 10 characters)
NProduct Code (include leading 0's, ex. 065)
ONet Gallons (numeric, ex. 1500)
PGross Gallons (numeric, ex. 1500)
QSchedule Code (up to 3 characters, ex. 13K)
RProcess this load with a different month (normally 0)

Example file:
ELVIS TRUCKING,123456789,J,NASHUA NH,,,,SLICK OIL INC,112233445,,,03/20/2022,C22X410,065,7892,9729,13K,0
BEATLES TRUCKING,555556666,J,NEW York NY,,PORTSMOUTH,T02NH0150,NEW YORK OIL,554433221,,,2/1/2022,CX12346,65,1900,2000,7,0